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IED has chosen Microcemento

Low thickness floors and coverings for the large rooms of the European Design Institute in Milan.

The charm of PANCOTTI collection has conquered the iconic institute. 120,000 students have been trained in 52 years of activity by the European Institute of Design (IED). With 12 locations, including Brazil and China, it is definitely a point of reference in the field of creative disciplines. Three lines have been selected for the historical site in via Sciesa: Microcemento®, Ecomateria® and Unicum®.

The choice was made by selecting the most prestigious brands of Pancotti Superfici to allow the renovation of the now compromised floors. The main requirement of the client was to carry out the renovation of the floors of over 500 square meters in just two weeks.

The presence of different types of support including tiles, resins, concrete, linoleum, has led to a high point of technical comparison. The intervention was carried out without producing rubble, making it one of the best continuous surface systems in Italy.

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